Saturday, November 6, 2010

Music to NaNo to

The special live performance of "Mombasa", a track from the Original Motion Picture Soundtrack to the movie Inception. Hans Zimmer and Johnny Marr lead the performers.

If that's not music to write to, well, hell, I must be deaf, mute, and a moron.

I'm really not NaNo'ing this year, I swear, although I've been writing nonstop for the past few days.

It occurs to me, though, that with the amount of words I've chalked up I should probably have crossed my fingers and done one of those "rebel" NaNo things, you know, signed up to write a bunch of related short stories with the goal of eventually creating a 'verse in 50,000 words. I'd hardly be the only person who'd tried to do something like a novel in a series of short stories.....

I've just had my paycheck, so I think it's time for me to rejig the personal budget a bit and try to see if I can pitch in for my now-going-to-be-a-November-habit of a donation to the Office of Letters and Light. They're the folks behind NaNoWriMo and Script Frenzy [and their respective Young Writers' Programs]. Ten dollars a year is not too much to give to a wonderful organization that keeps the spirit of writing and creating alive.

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