Saturday, November 21, 2009

NaNoWriMo Status Report 3

I have either one more Friday to do this if I decide to slack off, or the next NaNo post will be the one that says I just passed 50k.

Nov 13 - 30177
Nov 14 - 32461
Nov 15 - 32461 (Yes, I goofed off and did not write! XD)
Nov 16 - 34669
Nov 17 - 37348
Nov 18 - 40235
Nov 19 - 42565
Nov 20 - 44286

I guess I can allow myself to start looking forward to what happens after this.

1. Well, I will have to see if I can attend the Thank God It's Over party. I hear there will be a raffle and that there will be moleskine-type notebooks up for grabs. Oh my, do want. The PinoyWrimos bash is scheduled for 5 December.

2. If and only if I manage to finish this monster, go and do that "get a free proof copy of your NaNo work". It's something in the forums that I spotted some time during the month. The offer's from

3. Get a lot of sleep.

4. Start working on concepts for next year's NaNo. Yes, I'm going to go again.

5. Cross my fingers and hope that the folks behind NaNoWriMo have already received my USD10.00 donation. :) I would have given more if I could. I'm really getting so much out of this novel sprinting monster thing, and I want to give something back.

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