Thursday, October 22, 2009

Postscript to a Postscript: A story in pictures.

Related posts below. Please read them all, in particular Darrick's account of how he decided to enter his "GE.Nobody" machinima in the 1st Cinemanila Machinima Film Festival. He's the person most affected in this matter, and it's his story that needs to be told.

PJ Punla - Postscript to GE.Nobody and the Cinemanila Machinima Festival

Darrick Regondola - My Fantazzztic and Not so Fantazzztic Cinemanila Machinima Experience…

Chad Ramos - What Happened?: The Experience on Cinemanila Machinima Festival

Joel Tan - Cinemanila Machinima Film Fest Aftermath


Evidence: you've got to have it in discussions. Here are a few screenshots that might serve to illuminate the things being said in the blog posts listed above, including mine.

One question that needs answering first, though: Why am I harping on about the subject? Well, it's true that part of it has to do with Darrick being a friend. But mostly I think that the story being presented needs to be told.

I can't tell the story, though, if I don't have all the sides or angles. So right here and now, let me state for the record: I would like to invite e-Games to air their side regarding the Best E-Games Machinima Award that was supposed to have been given out at the 1st Cinemanila Machinima Film Festival. This story cannot be completed without hearing their side.

Notes on the screenshots:
- Important pieces of information are marked with red rectangular outlines.
- The white lines running across the width of some of the screenshots were the result of stitching them together in MS Paint and/or Adobe Photoshop.
- Besides the two foregoing items, no alterations were made to the pictures.
- All screenshots were made on 21 October 2009.
- Please click the screenshots to see them in a larger size.

Screenshot number 1:

The front page of the 1st Cinemanila Machinima Film Festival website, with the e-Games logo marked out in red.

Screenshot number 2:

The Rules and Mechanics page of the 1st Cinemanila Machinima Film Festival website, with the relevant texts and the e-Games logo marked out in red. Note that the rules do not include a clause where Cinemanila or e-Games reserve the right to NOT award a category for whatever reason they may deem fit.

Screenshot number 3:

The e-Games website, which still has the 1st Cinemanila Machinima Film Festival promotional material filed under "Other Updates".

Screenshot number 4:

The content of the 1st Cinemanila Machinima Film Festival promotional article. Note the money amount in the headline, repeated in the first red-marked block of text. As with the screenshot of the Rules and Mechanics above, there is no clause in the rules that allows for the non-awarding of the prizes.

There are screenshots and pictures, and then there are statements. I can't make a final statement on this matter, however, without getting word from all parties involved. I've posted statements from Cinemanila and from Darrick; now I'm looking for an official statement from e-Games to complete the story. Again: I would like to invite e-Games to air their side on this matter.

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