So now the project has proportions of:
23-inch first striped section
36-inch black midsection
And now I am down to the last 6 inches of the second striped section. The full length of this thing will be ... DUM DUM DUM...82 inches! Yay!
Pictures, of course, or I'm just blowing hot air your way, so - wish, command:

Here is the scarf as I began the final six-inch section last night.

And this shot really gives an idea of how damn LONG this thing got. :D Of course I am happy with it turning out this way!
Please don't mind all those long trailing tails of yarn. It's a paranoia thing, I swear. I always leave at least six inches to weave back in. And in several instances in this project the tails are actually LONGER than the width of the scarf, hahaha.
Tonight will be finishing-and-laundering night and that means I will have done a scarf that was NEARLY seven feet long in ten days!
I'm just sorry I didn't start the project sooner. Wao Youka's birthday was Monday! Never mind. I'm sure I can post these off to Japan and have them arrive there well in time for the 28th, which is Hanafusa Mari's birthday.
Horray! It's so close! :D
@ Jonette
I can't wait!
But then I will find myself being VERY worried indeed when I get around to shipping this and the hats to Japan!
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