Photo credit to Vickie Howell, here at craftzine.com.
I know, I know, normally I talk about crochet here on this blog, and when I rant about the lack of supplies or tools I generally am thinking of hooks, and good yarn, and big skeins - but of course I can't just yammer on about needlework here on this blog without ever mentioning knitting.
I already know that if I ever get around to opening that importing business I will probably be more than willing to take orders for gorgeous knitting needles. I know quite a few folks who actually do both crochet and knitting. And there must be people who feel the way I do - I have a beautiful near-complete set of crochet hooks of my own, but that's never stopped me from dreaming of lovely wooden or bamboo instruments. Knitters must feel that way too.
Anyway, I'm picking up some instructions in knitting from the aforementioned Vickie Howell, who has posted a series of Knitting 101 videos at craftzine.com, one of my favorite websites for general crafting awesomeness. Watch the whole series here: Knitting 101 - Basic Stitches.
Keep on crafting!
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