Friday, January 29, 2010

The Scarf Project 02: His-and-Hers Scarves: COMPLETE!

Previous posts:
The Scarf Project 02: His-and-Hers Scarves, His Version
The Scarf Project 02: His-and-Hers Scarves, Her Version + Prepping for Future Projects

Right, all done:

Completed "His" scarf, for my brother.

Completed "Hers" scarf, for my brother's girlfriend.

As a shocked aside, I guess I should be proud of myself. Each of the two scarves is about 70-something inches long: "His" is 75 inches; "Hers" is 72 inches.

Let me repeat that in another set of terms: each of those scarves is SIX. FEET. LONG.



Jonette said...

Yay! Good for you. Up for more, then?

How about knitting? ;)

PJ Punla said...

@ Jonette

Eventually, yes. I've just got a whole ton of projects to go through before then - and I haven't even made anything for myself. :D